May 2012 Archive
Have you ever Googled your name? I have, and it’s always interesting to see what Google pulls up in their search. When I first met my husband, the first thing I did was Google his name! I quickly learned he was a runner and had entered a few races, worked for Cisco, was in the white pages and was even in a horrible car accident in Upstate New York. Months after dating, we both admitted to Googling each other and it turned out that he wasn’t the Patrick that was mentioned in the car accident. Obviously, not everything Google pulls up is always about the exact person you’re searching for. We also found out that Patrick isn’t the only Patrick Viscosi.

Have you ever found a picture of yourself on the Internet?
I was lying in bed one night on my ipad searching for a DJ to hire and I came across the company NC Spin. I clicked on their website and when it popped up my first thought was that the man in the picture looked just like Patrick. I mentioned it to him and he quickly looked over and yelled, “that is me and that is you!” I couldn’t believe that we were on the homepage of this DJ’s website. It was kind of funny! Because you only see my back in the picture, it is harder to tell that it is me and easier to tell it’s Patrick since you can see most of his face. Turns out that this DJ and our wedding photographer work in the same building and are friends, hence how he got a picture from our wedding. To make a long story short, I decided to hire this DJ for a summer birthday party and can’t wait to start working with him and his company. To find out more about Spin NC, view the link below:
[ssba title="Google Finds" url=""]
My first advertisement is now in the May/June Midtown Magazine!
If you want to see my advertisement in Midtown Magazine, you can view it on the web by going to or pick up a copy of the magazine. My advertisement is on page 75.
This is a banner advertisement posted on

Midtown Magazine is the premier lifestlye magazine for the North Hills area. Midtown offers readers an inside look at a community that has been transformed into one of Raleigh’s most vibrant areas. Midtown Magazine introduces you to the people that make this area the hottest place to live, work and play. An insiders look at real life and luxury living along with an extensive calendar of events, the latest fashion trends and a peek into the trendiest Midtown restaurants. All in the hottest area of Raleigh.
Check out North Carolina’s fastest growing publication today!
[ssba title="My 1st printed advertisement" url=""]
Last night at dinner, I ordered the Bigeye Tuna for an appetizer. It was prepared with ginger, teriyaki, green onion, avocado, topped with black and white sesame seeds and served with fried wontons. I was surprised and excited to see it served in a martini glass! This is a creative and fun way to serve any type of appetizer. I just might have to try this next time I have company!

[ssba title="A fun way to serve an appetizer" url=""]

These new cosmetic bags by Kate Spade make the perfect gift for your bridesmaids. Not only will they be perfect for the day of the wedding, but they can be used after too!

I love to shop! And when I am shopping for a gift for someone, I almost always end up loving the present so much that I have to HAVE one too! I like the idea of each bridesmaid getting a cosmetic bag and the bride having one too. Isn’t this a cute bag for the bride? I think I might need to order one for myself!

[ssba title="For the Bridesmaids" url=""]